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Wicca, or Witchcraft, is a personal path of religion that means something different to everyone. To broadly describe it, Wicca is a relatively new nature based religion. It is a way of constant celebration that empowers the self and others, and is a respectful philosophy that recognizes the Earth as a living Mother. The Divine is present in nature and it is honored and respected. In Wicca, we celebrate both the feminine and masculine and we acknowledge that all living creatures are from the God and Goddess. Some Wiccans honor a non-specific god and goddess, while some choose to worship specific deities. There are no laws that state that a Wiccan cannot simultaneously practice another religion. In fact, Wicca combines may different ideologies such as Shamanism, Paganism, Eastern mysticism, and Kabbalah, to name a few. We seek to build harmony among all people and understand that everyone must follow the path that is most comfortable for them.

The Origin of the word Wicca means “to bend” or “wise one”. Practicing Wicca, or Witchcraft, is a rewarding journey for knowledge that can be ventured on alone, as a solitary, or with others, typically a coven. I, personally, am a Solitary Witch. I grew up with a Christian background and it was very difficult for me to let go of the theories that were instilled into me at a very young age. As I got older and h

ad children of my own, I realized that there were parts of Christianity that I didn’t recognize as truth. I started to understand that I had a responsibility to myself to find the spiritual direction that best suited my beliefs and moral code. I follow a wiccan/pagan path, but I am not here to try and sway you into believing what I believe. I do not wish to convert anyone or push them in any direction what so ever. I am here to provide you with details about my journey and to offer you assistance if Wicca is the path you so choose. No matter what your religion is, so long as it is a positive one, you are welcome here. Always.

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