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The Wheel of the Year

I love summer. I love it because my kiddies are home from school and we get to unwind from our busy schedules to a more relaxed rhythm. I find joy in looking out my window and seeing my garden in full bloom and our puppy basking in the sun, absorbing all the heat. I wish it could last forever but I understand that there is a natural cycle to life and I do appreciate the other seasons and the uniqueness of each of them.

As we are into the third week of July, now is a good time to start planing your Lamma or Lughnasadh celebration which takes place on the first of August. This festival marks the beginning of the harvest season. I, personally, celebrate this holiday by baking a loaf of homemade bread to share with my family and make an offering to the Goddess. As a Solitary Witch, most of my celebrations are small and personal, although I have been known to throw a few big Solstice parties.

There are many different days in the Wiccan or Pagan Calendar to be celebrated. I have listed the dates below for 2017 with mark the Wheel of the Year.

Imbolc - February 2 - marks the stirring of spring.

Ostara - March 19 - the spring equinox.

Beltane - May 1 - Celebration of fire and fertility.

Litha - June 21 - the summer solstice.

Lammas or Lughnasadh - August 1 - the celebration of the grain harvest.

Mabon - September 22 - the autumn equinox.

Samhain - October 31 - the witches New Year.

Yule - December 21 - the winter solstice

There are many different holidays and equally as many different ways to honor each. In my household we observe not only the pagan or wiccan holidays but also many of the other religious holidays from around the world. Life is too short not to enjoy every opportunity presented to us. Have fun and enjoy all that life has to offer you.

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