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The Wicked Wiccan

I am a mother of four daughters and I spent a large portion of the last decade working outside of the home.  My husband passed away a few years ago, and because of that, I decided that I needed to make some changes and be at home more for my daughters.  I tried a couple of different things but I just wasn’t passionate about them.  This is where Wicked Wiccan comes in.  Learning and growing as a person and helping others to grow is something that I can be passionate about. 


Why Wicca?  My early background in religion was in a Baptist church.  This is where I began searching for what I felt comfortable believing in.  I spent my early years going from church to church looking for a message that spoke to me.  Church of the Nazarene, Full Gospel, Baptist (again), Chinese Pentecostal and lastly at an Evangelical Missionary.  I finally decided that this path did not fit with what I truly felt and believed.  I started reading about other religions and beliefs.  Although my site is named Wicked Wiccan, what I really follow is more of a spiritual mix, taking a little bit of wisdom and practice from various traditions, and following a path that I feel morally comfortable with.  I am hoping that we can celebrate all religions and faiths.  I feel that everyone’s path is personal and they must do what feels right for them.  One of the things from Wicca that I truly believe is that we need to always be mindful not to harm anyone else or to interfere with their free will.  Below I have copied an excerpt of “The Wiccan Rede” quoted from Doreen Valiente.


The Wiccan Rede


Bide the Wiccan Law ye must

in perfect love and perfect trust

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil

An’ ye harm none, do what ye will


What ye send forth comes back to thee,

so ever mind the Rule of Three

Follow this with mind and heart.

Merry ye meet and merry ye part.


Thank you for taking the time to learn about me.  I appreciate any feedback and would love you to visit my store at  


Blessed be,


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