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A Walk Through the Major Arcana

The origins of the Tarot deck have never been pinpointed. Some say that it originated in Ancient Egypt but the first concrete evidence of a Tarot deck shows up in Italy around the early fifteenth century. It is very likely that the Tarot started out as a card game (or many different games) before people started using them as a divination tool. There are many myths surrounding Tarot but if you are able to open your mind you will find that, with astonishing accuracy, they are able capable of predicting events and highlighting the psychology behind events to enable people to understand themselves, and others, better.

There are many theories in regards to how the Tarot works but I like to believe that the Tarot is a tool to find answers which our subconscious already know. When we ask the cards a question, deep down we already know what the right answer will be but by looking at what cards come up we can help bring those subconscious thoughts to the surface.

There are many talented Tarot readers but you are also able to read the cards for yourself. The difficulty in a self-reading is remaining objective because you may only see what you want to in the cards. It may be helpful to do your self-reading with a friend present so that they can give you their perception on cards.

Choosing the right deck is very personal. You will probably be drawn to a certain deck because of its artwork but you need to be careful when buying a deck based solely on its looks. Tarot decks can be like lovers: You may see a man or woman who looks attractive, and start talking to them, only to find that they are shallow, mean, or hold views which you find offensive. You may buy a deck which looks good, get it home, start using it, and, no matter how much you already know about Tarot, and no matter how experienced you are at readings, you cannot read with the deck. You don't agree with the deck's theme, you find the symbols unfeasible and badly chosen, or you find the correspondences for the cards do not fit into your way of seeing things. If you see a deck that you think you may want to work with, then go online and check out any reviews that might have been written by other readers. An easily accessible and popular deck it the Rider-Waite deck. It is available at most book sellers and online. There have been a lot of reference books written around this Tarot deck and I feel it is a good starting point for beginners.

The Tarot Deck is divided into two main parts: The Major Arcana, which represent the major events, and the Minor Arcana, which provide the finer details. I am going to divide this blog post into parts since there is so much to cover. I will start with the Major Arcana which consists of 22 cards that depict man's journey through life. Numbered zero through twenty one, here is a quick synopsis of each:

0 The Fool - The fool represents the start of a journey and is generally considered positive. Unfortunately, the fool is also naive and careless and may not see imminent dangers in his path.

I The Magician - The magician represents new opportunities. You may have a difficult choices to make but you should be bold and strike out in a new direction. It can also signify an important man who will enter your life. Be aware of the power he wields.

II The High Priestess - This cards represents dreams, knowledge and intuition. If you get this card in a reading then it is telling you that you need to trust in your intuition but to also make sure you have all the facts before making the decision.

III The Empress - The Empress signifies fertility and abundance. It could be taken literally, that there is about to be a child in your life (either your own or someone close to you) or it could suggest marriage or a union. It also suggests abundance when associated with material objects.

IV The Emperor - This card represents and person who is authoritative and powerful. This person is of reliable character and is a great person to turn to for advice. If you turn over this card the you will need to to use your logic. I could also mean that you may be in for a promotion at work.

V The Hierophant - The Hierophant may represent a person but more often represents a situation. It is a powerful card that symbolizes beliefs that are traditional, conservative and wise. This card could represent a look into yourself for spiritual meaning. It could also suggest that you should act in a sensible, honest and trustworthy way.

VI The Lovers - This card has two main meanings. The first concerns love. It can indicate an extremely strong emotional connection. This connection could be friendship, a love affair or marriage or it could be a work partnership. If you have recent broken up with their partner, then this card could represent mending the relationship. The second meaning could be that you will have to make an important decision that will probably require some sacrifice.

VII The Chariot - The main message surrounding the Chariot concerns struggle. It will test your character and will require a great deal of energy. Nevertheless, the outcome will be positive.

VIII Strength - This card has very simple message - it signifies strength of purpose and of will. It tells that you have much greater strength then you may realize.

IX The Hermit - The Hermit card suggests that you need to take some time for contemplation, make sure you have all the facts before making a decision.

X The Wheel of Fortune - This powerful card reminds us that life works in cycles and is always changing. You may be about to enter a new cycle in your life.

XI Justice - This favorable card suggests that you are likely to reach the correct decision to a difficult problem.

XII The Hanged Man - This card represents change, usually in mental attitude rather than physical circumstance.

XIII Death - Death symbolizes change. It is the death of an era. Although this change may be difficult, it will be beneficial.

XIV Temperance - This card urges you to find balance. This could be financially, spiritually or even physically.

XV The Devil - This card is all about being enslaved to someone or something. You need to stop playing the victim in this role and take responsibility for your part. On the brighter side, this card can predict a passionate relationship.

XVI The Tower - This card is all about change. A dramatic turn of fate is about to take place.

XVII The Star - This card is the wish card, telling you that a dream is about to be realized. It shows that happy experiences and opportunities are on the way.

XVIII The Moon - The moon gently warns that things are not as they may seem.

XIX The Sun - The Sun is the most positive card. Joy, happiness and contentment will soon be yours.

XX Judgement - This card means a second chance.

XXI The World - Previous hard work or sacrifices bring rich rewards when this card appears.

The above is just a very basic understanding of the Major Arcana. If you read any books on the subject you will find very detailed and in-depth meaning for each of the cards. Tarot is truly a life long study.

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